In India non profit / public charitable organisations can be registered as trusts, societies, or a private limited non profit company, under section-25 companies Act. Non-profit organisations in India (a) exist independently of the state; (b) are self-governed by a board of trustees or ‘managing committee’/ governing council, comprising individuals who generally serve in a fiduciary capacity; (c) produce benefits for others, generally outside the membership of the organisation; and (d), are ‘non-profit-making’, in as much as they are prohibited from distributing a monetary residual to their own members.

A public charitable purpose has to benefit a sufficiently large section of the public as distinguished from specified individuals. Organisations which lack the public element – such as trusts for the benefit of workmen or employees of a company, however numerous – have not been held to be charitable. As long as the beneficiaries of the organisation comprise an uncertain and fluctuating body of the public answering a particular description, the fact that the beneficiaries may belong to a certain religious faith, or a sect of persons of a certain religious persuasion, would not affect the organisation’s ‘public’ character.

Our well experienced staff members can take up your Society Registration related legalities from start to finish in a very professional manner, and make the whole process as comfortable as a breeze for you. Furthermore, if you have any queries pertaining to the process in general or related to your business in particular, our executives can respond to them proficiently. So what are you waiting for? Just give us a call, or fill up our contact form, and our executives will gladly assist you further.

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